Two Different Licensing Options
WISECP has two different licensing options for desktop softwares, software products running in the background, and software products running under a domain name.
Domain Based Licensing
It is suitable for products such as "web software, themes, modules, scripts" etc. running under a domain name. It works with license domain verification.
License Key Based
It is suitable for desktop software, background software products, plug-ins, modules, etc. products. A license key is automatically generated by the system.
Domain Based Licensing
It is suitable for products such as "web software, themes, modules, scripts" etc. running under a domain name. It works with license domain verification.

Build Your Product in WISECP
Add your software products to the software product group of your WISECP automation as a product package. You can price your product for monthly, yearly, lifetime or whatever you want.
Set License Checking Time
You can set the cycle with which your software product should check the license. Depending on your choice, you can adjust it once a day, once an hour or any period you desire. In this way, with just a single query, your software product will connect to your automation in the specified period and check the license validity.

License Control Code Ready!
When you add a software product to your WISECP automation, license control codes are automatically generated by the system. You can directly copy and define the generated license control codes to your software product without any action on them. Set the license control period and copy the license codes and define them to your software product. That's all!
and more...
Sell Web Hosting
You can also offer web hosting package options while your customers purchase your software product.
Sell Domain Name
You can also offer domain name registration services while your customers purchase your software product.
Sell Additional Services
You can offer additional service options during the purchasing process. (Installation, Support, Configuration etc.)
License Key Based
It is suitable for desktop software, background software products, plug-ins, modules, etc. products. A license key is automatically generated by the system.

Build Your Product in WISECP
Add your software products to the software product group of your WISECP automation as a product package. You can price your product for monthly, yearly, lifetime or whatever you want.
Set License Key Settings
You can set the license key characteristic as you want. You can define a prefix for the license key, specify the character length, and select the character types to be included in the license key. Ex: Uppercase / Lowercase Letters, Numbers, Special Characters and Separation with (-).

Completing Integration
There is a license control URL address to associate your software product with your WISECP automation and to perform license controls. You can send a request via your software product to this URL address with the license key and other parameters. If there is an active and valid service related to your software product package, the returned response will be OK. Otherwise, FAILED response is returned. Accordingly, you can integrate your software product as you wish.